Complete Effluent Pumping Packages

Stepros Pumping Packages are complete, ready-to-install systems for pumping effluent from a septic tank or a pump tank. Save time and save money with the convenience of an effluent pumping package. Packages can be customized for particular applications.
Example Pumping Package:
1. 45″ Pump Vault (HFSCV45MF12) with effluent filter and float tree
2. (2) Yellow Pump Duty Float Switches
3. Sta-Rite 10 GPM 1/2 HP 115V 30′ Lead Pump
4. Discharge Assembly for 10 GPM Pump (with self-cleaning flush line connection)
5. SF1-ETM Control Panel
6. Internal 3-wire Junction Box
7. Accessory Bag with Cord Grips, Grommets, and Fittings for Pump and Float Switch Leads
8. Flexible 1″ Hose with PVC Fittings