Discharge Assemblies
Stepros Discharge Assemblies are used to convey effluent from a pump to a location downstream, commonly to a treatment system or dispersal. Designed with the installer in mind, swivel fittings and a union allow the assemblies to be quickly installed and easily serviced. Larger diameter assemblies and custom discharge assemblies are available.
Stepros discharge assemblies work together with the pump and pump vault to convey effluent while also cleaning the filter of accumulated solids.
Typical discharge assembly for 10 Gallons Per Minute pump application (DA05-SCV-10gpm):
The 3/8″ PEX tube performs two functions:
1. Provides flexibility of installation and ease of maintenance, and
2. Restricts liquid flow to increase pressure and, thereby, generate higher pump head. Other pump vault discharge assemblies use a flow control disc to achieve the same result.
Example STEP system installation in a fiberglass septic tank.
Available Sizes
Discharge assemblies for larger flows are available in larger sizes including 1″ and 1-1/4″.